Happy Founders Day!

The New York City Alumnae Association enjoyed a wonderful Founders Day brunch today at Vintage Irving in Union Square. Following our Founders Day ceremony where we placed roses in the vase to recognize each of the ten founders, sisters played a fun game where they could earn points based on their level of sisterhood - such as if they were wearing light blue, dark blue or gold, had previously attended National Convention, or if they had their Little Sis's phone number saved in their phone! It was a fun game and the winner was a chapter woman from the Theta Theta chapter who racked up over 60 points! We all ate a yummy meal followed by homemade cupcakes as a representative from Autism Speaks came to discuss how we could get involved with them as well as with their upcoming walk on Sunday, June 13th. Stay tuned for more details on this event! Happy Founders Day everyone! TFJ

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